"Our spiritual well-being must guide us to experience the original pure and blissful nature of consciousness itself. Rediscovering this simple truth within ourselves, we ignite the hidden flame of the spiritual heart, nurturing compassion, joy and peace for all.Atman is the self or soul, the deeper essence of our being as pure consciousness, uniting us with all beings. The Atman is a Divine principle and our "true self" is the Divine power behind the manifestation of all time and space. Tantra reveres the Divine presence within us, honoring our deeper nature as sacred and immortal. The Goddess Shakti leads us in our journey through the outer world to the sanctity of the spiritual heart, the Atman’s silent abode.
The mystery of Tantra rests in the beneficence of Nature and her all-pervasive energies. Tantra’s enigmatic mysticism reveals Nature’s potent powers through its sacred knowledge or Tantric Jnana. The Tantrika’s life is a great awakening to the reality of pure consciousness, where every moment a lotus blossoms in the gentle prayer of sweet divinity without feeling misplaced in its muddy waters. Our consciousness has a gentle way of filtering the truth in our lives. Pure consciousness takes us back to the source of divinity without any worldly trappings.
My life witnessed its own metamorphoses over the years, enriching my being and enhancing my experiences. One would drift into the silence of sadhana, using yogic practices to re-enforce one’s harmony or restructure old thought patterns, at times withdrawing into my own world of magic and wander in the Himalayas. With the Mother Goddess’s grace, my entire being sought reformation, turning the mind and body into a flower of delight, exuding its own inner fragrance. Through my experimental modes of Shakti sadhana, the Goddess integrated me back into the source of her own joyousness. My life became an offering at her lotus feet, unfolding her mystical flowering of grace and abundance."
loving the blog. can't wait till Violet gives me a chance to delve in deeper. :)