The Heart Chakra is described as having Twelve Petals. There are many levels to read into why there are twelve petals. From a yoga perspective these represent 12 subtle energy channels or a place where 12 nerves meet (nerve plexus).
Astrology, which was discovered along side the Divinely Inspired Sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Numerology, sees the number 12 as the stages of "The Path to Liberation" or the total expressions of the 4 elements. 4 elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) X 3 Modes of Activity (Cardinal, Fixed, or Transitional) = 12. Understanding of these 12 areas is a roadmap to happiness in Life. For those truly dedicated souls to Self-realization and Liberation, these 12 area are a "key" to mastery of the 4 Goals of Life (Righteous Living in Society, Sensual Pleasure, Wealth/Happiness, and Liberation). The 4 Goals of Life is a very vast topic in itself.
The ancient symbol for the Sun has a central point called the Bindu representing the Infinite Unmanifest All that ever was, is and will be (Shiva). Around it is a circle, considered a symbol of perfection which represents the The Manifest Universe in its entirety (Kali).

The circle is made of 12 areas of 30 degrees each making 360 total. The perfect integrity of the circle is directly dependent on the central point. Just as the central point can only be known relative to circle around it.
The Ancient Ones seeing the cosmos reflecting in all areas of reality, saw these 30 degree areas or "Houses" as various "States" or "Stages" of being. Below is a basic description of the houses.

No person will have completed their evolutionary process of moving from Animal Man (3rd / 4th Chakra) to Godly Man (4th / 5th Chakra) until they have successfully completed their Soul's Classroom of each area (School can be fun, remember that!)
Furthermore, I always emphasize to explore and ask for success in all 12 areas at once and not only a few. Many people say, first I need a job (6th house) so I can have money (11th house) so I can get a home (4th house) so I can get a spouse (7th house) so I can get kids (5th house) and so forth. This activity is known as Left-Brain Activity. It lacks a holistic view and hence, misses the bigger picture.
What is the bigger picture? It is that central point in the center of the circle. By learning to think big, we have an easier time to find the central point which is really our heart's greatest desire. This is not something that can be shown to us from outside, but must be discovered within oneself as that point is the center of the true self (not the ego-self). The true self is infinite and indescribable in words, but the best attempt made is Immortal Life, Perfect Perception, and Unending Bliss (not so bad!)
The Ancient Ones, by silencing their minds to incredible lengths were able to perceive of the subtle vibrations underlying, yet completely pervading creation. These vibrations known as Mantras hold secret energies capable of uplifting the destiny of those who use them with a sincere heart. The Mantra to bring out the heart's desire and attract it to us without any outside effort is, "Kleem".
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Happy Soul Travels.
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